Please Help Students at Our Sister Parish Succeed. School supplies are again needed by students in Tennessee. Father Steve will be distributing the supplies to over 90 children who otherwise couldn’t afford them. Each envelope at the front of Holy Spirit Church has a child's name and grade level on it, and contains a list of supplies needed. Please purchase the supplies and return them to the altar in a backpack with the child's name and grade clearly visible on the outside. All supplies need to be returned to Holy Spirit Church no later than July 21st, as they will be loaded and driven to TN on the 24th. If you prefer not to fill a backpack or if all envelopes are taken, you can still help by contributing school supplies of any kind. The need is great and any new or gently used items will be welcome.
THANK YOU to Matt and Kelli Dirks for volunteering to deliver the supplies to TN! Matt is the Facilities Manager at Westside State Bank, who is sponsoring the transportation for the parish. Thank you to Jim and Peggy White for thier generosity in use of pickup, trailer, and time off for Matt.