We are blessed at Kuemper with loyal and faith-filled parishes. As the video below mentions, our parishes contribute over $3 million each year to support Kuemper operations. It's vital for all Kuemper stakeholders to realize that our parish subsidies help keep tuition low and affordable. If it wasn't for this support, tuition would be more than double what it is now. Thank goodness for our parishes and their loyal supporters!
Please consider becoming more active in your parish. Our parish investments are for the future of the Church. But we need everyone's help and everyone's time, talent and treasure to make our church communities more vibrant and alive - for the parish future, and for Kuemper's future.
You can view the video message from President John Steffes below. If you'd like an online giving option for your church, you can donate at www.stjp2carroll.org/donate - If you want to make a donation to a specific cause, please put your request in the comment section. All requests will be honored. One hundred percent of each donation goes directly to your parish.
MISSION: We provide a Christ-centered environment where students grow spiritually, academically and socially, becoming responsible citizens of the world. LEARNING GOALS: Students who graduate from the Kuemper Catholic School System will: 1. Demonstrate a mature Catholic faith through commitment to message, worship, community and service. 2. Recognize and appreciate the multicultural heritage of global society and promote positive relationships of a just and peaceful society. 3. Use academic, technological, and vocational skills to be productive members of society. 4. Effectively promote stewardship, leadership and service in their community LONG-RANGE GOALS: All K-12 students at Kuemper Catholic School will: 1. Achieve at high levels in knowledge of their Catholic religion. 2. Achieve at high levels in reading comprehension. 3. Achieve at high levels in mathematics. 4. Achieve at high levels in science. 5. Demonstrate competence in age appropriate technology skills. 6. Demonstrate stewardship, leadership, and service in their school, parish, and community. 7. Experience a safe and accepting school community. STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT: Student achievement is measured daily in our classrooms in a variety of ways, both formally and informally. Classroom activities, discussions, projects, and tests are some of the tools used to evaluate each student’s progress. Additionally, students participate in assessments that enable us to measure our learning success in comparison with others in the state and nation. |